A toothbrush only cleans 60% of the tooth surface; the remaining 40% pertains to the interproximal areas. Interproximal hygiene is necessary to remove the biofilm that accumulates in these areas.

is designed to access all interproximal spaces
The interprox® brush line offers a wide range of PHD sizes to fit all spaces throughout the oral cavity.
In addition, it is designed with cylindrical heads recommended for the frontal area and conical heads more suited for interproximal cleaning between molars and premolars.

Why is interdental cleaning so important?
The accumulation of oral biofilm, or bacterial plaque, in the interproximal spaces can cause major diseases and problems in the mouth, including caries, periodontal disease and halitosis.
The most common oral diseases originate in the interproximal spaces:

77.5% of tooth decay originates in the interproximal area.
60% of oral halitosis cases are caused by the accumulation of biofilm in the interproximal areas.
More than 50% of the population has gingivitis.
4 out of 5 people with dental implants have peri-implant mucositis.
The most complete brand of interproximal brushes and gel specially designed to remove bacterial plaque from interdental spaces.

What about you? Do you clean between your teeth?
A toothbrush can clean up to 60% of the tooth surface. The remaining 40% corresponds to the interproximal area.
The accumulation of dental biofilm or bacterial plaque in the interproximal space can cause major oral diseases and problems, including tooth decay, periodontal disease and halitosis.

Offering a wide array of PHD dimensions (Passage Hole Diameter), which indicate the size of the smallest space into which the brush can be inserted, ranging from 0.6 to 2.2 mm.
Numerical coding by PHD (Passage Hole Diameter) indicates the size of the smallest space into which the brush can be inserted.
It is important for the brush to easily enter the interproximal space, so that the filaments and not the wire are what touch the teeth.
If the wire rubs the gums or bends, it is advisable to use a brush with a smaller PHD size.
A dentist or dental hygienist can help you determine the size of your interproximal space and the brush that suits you best.
Quality and durability
The quality of the brushes is backed by the ISO 16409 standard, which guarantees brush durability.

The white filaments help detect bleeding
The black filaments help detect biofilm
Wire coated with a plastic insulating material which protects gums and prevents sensitivity caused by galvanism.
Interprox® brushes are made with high quality Tynex® filaments.

The extensive interprox® interdental brush line offers brushes for different needs.
The use of interproximal brushes for cleaning implants

Why are interproximal brushes suitable for interdental spaces?

How to clean beneath bridges and crowns?

The use of interproximal brushes for cleaning braces

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